I do not plan parties, I don't really even enjoy parties that much, but my girls LOVE them. They each have one goal in life, to be the hostess with the mostess.
While Bubba and I were off to a football game out of town one weekend(don't worry, that post is coming) Pie and Cool Dad (mostly Pie) decided that she wanted to plan a party for Bubba to congratulate him on his football (loss???) experiences. She somehow conned Cool Dad into driving her to the party store and plunking down cash for decorations, and a pinata (that is where her Auntie comes in. That girl LOVES pinata's. It's Christmas, let's have a pinata. It's Easter, let's have a pinata...Fourth of July, pinata. You get the picture. She actually has her own custom made pinata stick (and still only one pinata stick injury, which we are not supposed to talk about). Anywho, at least Pie's party was a Fiesta so the pinata was a good fit.
Don't you just love the chili pepper pinata. We will not be posting any pictures of us hitting the pinata because not only did we have to hang it dangerously close to a pillar, we also had to use the broom to hit it.
We had an awesome meal of chips and salsa with carne asada, and amazing decorations. She is already bugging me about when our next party is. Look out, your invitation just might be in the mail.
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