Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why My Six Year Old Cried

Ok, winning and losing are tough lessons for little ones to learn. Games at our house, not always so fun. Sometimes Bubba asks, "why can't we all just win? Why does somebody have to lose?" Let's keep in mind, this is usually after he has lost. He does not seem to be so concerned with this concept when he is the winner.

I think it was College Daughter who taught him the "winner, winner, chicken dinner dance". Yes, I am positive it was her.

This takes us to race day. No, I am not having memory loss(well, not about this anyway). I do remember I just posted about a race, but I don't want any of you out there to think Cool Dad is letting us slack off. He signed us all up for another 5k. This one was called the Reindeer Round-up, and yes, there were seniors there dressed up as elves. Just in case anyone was wondering.

On the the race. If you recall from the previous racing post. We had one child who kicked and screamed her way through the race only to take off on her own and finish a good ten minutes ahead of me. Well, for this race Cool Dad told the kids they could run their own race. They wouldn't have to be saddled with Hot Mom and her slow pace. (We'll get to Cool Dad's punishment, for turning my babies loose with a bunch of maniacs, a little later.)

Bubba, always glad to test new found freedom took of like a gazelle as soon as the race started. Luckily I had some spotters on the course looking for him, and it is somewhat of a loop so I could see him at various points throughout the race.

Oddly enough Pie decided to stick with me. About halfway through the race she commented on what a lovely day it was and how happy she was to be running the race with me. WHAT???? Is this the same child, who when told she has to stay with me freaks out and screams and cries for 44 minutes, but when given her freedom she stays with me? I don't really expect an answer on that one, and I digress, we are talking about winning and losing.

So the results break down like this:

Cool Dad shaves a couple of minutes off his Turkey Trot time.
Bubba blasts his Turkey Trot time and comes in easily nine minutes earlier.
Hot Mom and Pie stroll in leisurely, but Hot Mom still manages to shave a couple of minutes.

Pie wins a silver in her age group and Bubba wins a bronze.

Every time he has thought about it the last two weeks he starts to cry and says, "but I beat her, how come she got a silver and I got a bronze. It isn't fair!" He learned that from College Daughter too!


  1. That College Daughter!! Nothing but trouble, that one is. But, I would love a performance of the acclaimed "winner, winner chicken dinner" dance.
