Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's All Fun and Games Until Somebody Gets SHOT!

By way of a happy accident we stumbled onto a great Saturday activity. Pie was supposed to attend cheer camp, but it was canceled (thanks for calling us cheerleaders). The boys had planned to go to a great park with a huge castle playground. Since our plans were canceled we decided to join them.

Once we arrived at the playground we noticed there were a ton of cars and we almost ran the other direction. Luckily we didn't. Fish and Game, Forrest Service, and BLM put together some great outdoor activities; including fishing, archery, shooting, panning for gold, and learning about the outdoors. You would think that since once of these agencies is our bread and butter we would actually know about this, but no, we had to stumble onto it accidentally. No matter, we still had a great time.

Bubba LOVED the archery. So much so that he came home and made his own bow and arrow. Excuse the mini camera phone picture.

His bow and arrow actually work. He can shoot the arrows about 10-12 feet. I finally had to take it away when he got so good that it became a serious weapon. He was not happy, and complained that, "Indian moms didn't take their bows and arrows". Well I bet they did if they almost shot their sister's eye out!!


  1. Ask him if his "insurance" covers eyes getting shot out.

  2. I can't believe that Cool Dad was uniformed of such an event. Perhaps if he spent more of his time at the office instead of naked guy's book store, you would be better informed of such events.

    And I'd like to see some video footage of Bubba in action with said bow and arrow. Seriously, I bet he's a riot.
