Tuesday, October 19, 2010

That is One Stubborn Girl

One of my children is a little stubborn. I hate to say which one, so I won't, but most of will know.

She is a master a making her point, and if she says she is going to do something she rarely backs down. Sometime she compromises, but on her own terms.

Case in point: Yesterday, she was mad about how much homework she had. Since it is early out Bubba doesn't have homework this week and she does. She is also the child who is highly against things that are unfair (that she gets from her older sister), but that is a different post. So, her answer to unfair amounts of homework...she announced that she would not be sleeping in her bed, and no matter what I said she would never change her mind. Ok, I can't really see the correlation between homework and not sleeping in your bed, but whatever floats your boat.

Finally after two long and painful hours we completed home work that should have taken 30 minutes tops, and we were able to continue on with our night. Fast forward to bedtime and she announces once again that she will not be sleeping in her bed. What?? This again? Whatever girl, you are going to bed, I don't care where you sleep.

So, just to prove her point. She slept on the floor of her room. NOT in her bed.

This is most certainly a Cool Dad trait.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she showed you! What a horrible punishment for too much homework. You may need to meet with the teacher and ask for less homework...can't have the little gal sleeping on the floor every night for pity sake!
