Saturday, July 24, 2010

I’m Baaaack!!!! Swim Mom Returns

In an attempt to steer the blog to a more family friendly theme I thought I would document last night’s family activity.

There is a pretty large aquatics center here that we have had our eye on. Things were looking pretty good upon arrival. Wading pool: check, small slide: check, diving area: check, big slide: check. The kiddies were delirious with anticipation. First things first, drop the bags and run to the big slide. What??? You have to be 48 inches to ride the slide?? Yes, it is true my sweet pie who is quite a good swimmer is only 46 ½ inches. She was not allowed to ride the slide, you know the one with the lifeguard sitting IN THE POOL at the bottom. Bubba, wasn’t even close, but he took it all in stride as usual, and was content in the kiddie play area.

So what do you do when your kid can’t go on the big slide? That’s right, you make them swim laps. Actually, Pie was very excited. She had really wanted to join a summer swim team, but you have to be able to swim 25 yards, and she had not quite made it yet, so we decided to work on it a little. The little cutie swam 75 yards with minimal breaks in between the 25 yard stretches.

Hello, summer swim league we will be getting to know you next summer. So, the truth is my Swim Mom license plate frame is not gone, just in retirement for a year.


  1. so glad you're back!! don't leave again, k? and swim mom might just be an eternal moniker, you never know. :)

  2. Awesome! My daughter informed me after swim lessons the other day that she DEFINITELY wants to do swim team next year.

    P.S. I love your new blog!
