Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mom in Trouble; Needs Advice ASAP

Hello blog readers (all three of you). I need some help. During the big move I did some serious house cleaning. Let’s just say that DI and I became very good friends. There is a good chance that quite a few toys and more specifically dolls made the DI journey. There is one doll in particular named Carrie that made the trip. Let’s be honest, Carrie was old. She belonged to College Daughter, her hair was matted and she was a bit scraped up.

Fast forward to today. We unpacked the last of the kids bedroom boxes, and Riley suddenly erupted into hysterics. Carrie had not come out of any of the boxes. I had no idea she even remembered the doll.
Now, the question of the day, what do I tell her??? She is frantically looking through the house, thinking there must be one more box with her precious Carrie, her favorite doll EVER.

Remember, this is a child will hold a grudge for the rest of her life, and possibly into the eternities.



  1. hhhmmm. time to put on the mom thinking cap! first, (this is my brain trying to put psychology 101 to good use) I'm thinking it might not be the actual doll as much as the fact that the doll was familiar and represented "normal" life. as in pre "Syd moving to college, Daddy moving to Yuma, packing up all your earthly possessions and the whole family moving to Yuma" life. just a guess.

    or maybe she's thinking that somehow she'll be forgotten/replaced like Carrie was, she's projecting herself onto Carrie.

    So try this: We live in a new house. We live in a new town. But we are still the same family, would you like to pick out a special new doll to live with our family?

    good luck with ALL that. sweetie pie might not ever forgive you, have fun with that.

  2. I know nothing about this myself, but the truth is always the best policy. Because you don't want her looking around your house for years wondering where or where is her precious doll.

    And all I can say is at least it wasn't a real live lamb....

  3. You got rid of Carrie!!! I loved that doll :( What kind of a mother are you?! If Mantha is gone, you're dead.
