Monday, August 9, 2010

Show Tunes

I’m in love,
I’m in love,
I’m in love,
I’m in love,
I’m in love with

I know I’m no Mitzi Gaynor, and heaven knows I don’t want anyone visualizing me dancing and twirling around the Circle K parking lot like she dances on the South Pacific beaches, but I think you get the picture.

I first noticed “my problem” when I started mapping out my errands based on Circle K locations. Luckily for me there are 17 Circle K’s within close proximity of my house. I tried to fight it, but it is true LOVE. Well, not exactly with ALL of Circle K, but there is a lovely little section in the back of the store where the Frosters live.

For any previous readers you will know that it is fairly hot in my neck of the woods. Apparently I have mentioned this before since my sister has informed me that if I leave my current area of residence I will have to shut down my blog for lack of material, but I digress. When it is 116 degrees outside nothing hits the spot quite like a 79 cent Froster from Circle K. It is 44oz of pure heaven, and who knows I might actually dance my way out to the parking lot next time I treat myself.


  1. Please. Please tell me that if you decide to dance your way out to the parking lot that you will let Cool Dad get it on video....possibly the kiddies could join in. It would be beautiful. K-thanks.

  2. ain't nuttin wrong with an ice cold beverage. nuttin at all. do what ya hafta do.
