Wednesday, September 15, 2010


As many of you know, I am a Mormon. No, I am not on a television ad nor do I have multiple wives (I can't handle even one), but I go to Church and participate on a regular basis and enjoy the sense of community and common faith.

Well, in the Mormon Church, members often participate by either teaching a lesson, offering prayers, leading group discussions or giving talks. Generally speaking, every member has a "calling" or a responsibility to fulfill in order for the congregation to function. In our congregation, Hot Mom and I are in charge of the "Activities Committee". That means we plan the Christmas Party, the Halloween Party, the Winter Social and about a dozen other functions. We cater the food, we decorate the facilities and we do the publicity for the event (i. e. we publish a flier and distribute it on Sundays and call everyone to remind them of what they should bring)

So...this month, we are planning the "Back-to-School Luau". Pulled pork, sticky rice, fruit, green jello and red Kool-Aid. All the Luau fixings you can imagine. Hot Mom is planning up a storm. She even considered having a pinata shaped like a palm tree (cause nothing says "Luau" like a pinata). It will be outstanding and I'm pretty sure that everyone will love it.

Anywho...I am in charge of promotion. To promote this event I volunteered (with tongue firmly in cheek) that I would be conducting a cliff-diving exhibition as part of the ceremonies. Now I said this in a Sunday School class hoping to get a laugh and hoping to encourage some folks to attend who wouldn't normally think a Luau would be fun, but apparently my innocent albeit idiotic quip has taken on a life of its own.

I don't know that anyone is really expecting a cliff-diving exhibition, but from the pulpit this past Sunday, the Bishop announced the Luau, informed everyone of the cliff-diving exhibition, AND mentioned that I would be sporting a SPEEDO. A SPEEDO! 265 lbs. of archaeological goodness clad in a SPEEDO! He said this from the pulpit!

I want to reiterate this: The Bishop mentioned FROM THE PULPIT that I, Cool Dad, will be wearing bum floss and jumping off cliffs this Friday at 6:00 PM.

I am curious if more people or less people will show up given that information. I guess we'll find out on Friday. Does anyone have a Speedo I can borrow?


  1. My husband likes to wear his speedo on a regular basis so you can't borrow his. However, I'm hoping that Hot Mom takes lots of pictures and posts them!

  2. LOVE IT!!!! It reminds me of the time.... well, no I don't ever remember a time like that. Good luck. :) Fun jumping!!

  3. ha ha ha ha ha and finally, HA HA!! that mouth of yours has bitten off more than you can chew it seems like. good luck with finding a speedo to fit "265 of archeologist goodness!" I literally can not wait for Friday at 6pm. can we get a live web cam going? I'm thinking of hosting a pay per view here at the house.

  4. Where's Ben Gheret when you need him? I will gladly bring the popcorn Anne! THIS I gotta see.

  5. Was Cool Dad's roommate for an entire school year and didn't see him in a Speedo. A couple more pounds and 20+ years make me shudder at the thought.


  6. Notaphilosopher...shudder up!

    Anne and careful what you ask for.

    Dannogal...send it on down but check the size first.

    Lindalou...quit giggling.
