Thursday, February 10, 2011

Letter to the Readers

Dear Readers,

I need a little assistance from you. Cool Dad and I are in a bit of a discussion. It really isn't much of a discussion. Basically I am right, and Cool Dad needs to see the error of his ways. See where I am going with this?

Back to the issue at hand.

We have a rule at this house. Sports=Laundry. Bottom line. Cool Dad can have all the sports he wants he just needs to be folding laundry at the same time.

Enter the problem. Cool Dad has caught the Jimmer fever, but he can't watch the BYU Basketball games, so he is forced to listen to them on the internet. He thinks that since he is not "watching" TV he shouldn't have to fold laundry. WHAT?????

Now you all see why I am right, and Cool Dad is wrong. Let me remind you about above mentioned house rule. Sports=Laundry.

Thanks for Listening.

I know I can count on each of you to help Cool Dad clear up this little issue.


Hot Mom


  1. If the original verbal contract stated "While he is WATCHING sports he must fold laundry" than I must side with Cool Dad. However, if it is just anything sports must have laundry folding happening concurrently then I must side with Hot Mom. As a party that could give a rat's patootie about Jimmy or whatever, I say just make him start going around naked with no clean laundry in sight.

  2. I really don't want to take sides here BUT as a huge sports fan I am really happy that Cool Dad caught the Jimmer fever! "You just got JIMMERED!!" However, I'm going to have to agree with duff. Since Cool Dad is not watching sports he shouldn't have to fold laundry BUT he still should. How hard is it to fold laundry?! Come on now!!

  3. Clearly, Sports = Laundry. However, the definition of sports can be misunderstood at times. If one cannot be fully engaged then it is clearly not a sport. When listening to sports on the radio, one cannot be fully engaged because one doesn't get to see what happens. Hence, sports on the radio does not = Sports. Thus, Sports Radio != Laundry.

  4. Hot Mom is obviously right, yet again. How hard is it to fold laundry when YOU'RE NOT EVEN WATCHING ANYTHING?????? you're just listening. You can totally fold laundry and listen. or perhaps you'll have a pay-per-listen policy. each game on sports radio is $20. sounds fair to me.

  5. I quote from The Book of Marriot Chapter 32 Verses 3-7, "3. Ye shall not disrespect The Jimmer by folding laundry whilst The Jimmer is Jimmering. 4. If thou art in the presence* of The Jimmer ye shall stand whilst he Jimmers. 5. And when one has been 'Jimmered' thou shalt chant in unison 'You got Jimmer' followed by five claspings of the hands together**. 6. If ye are not able to be in the presence of The Jimmer whilst he Jimmers, and are then forced to watch The Jimmer on TV, you may be seated but will leap from your seat when one has been Jimmered, and you must get your own food, for the texting food service is only available in The House of Marriott. 7. If thou art forced by the evil Mountain*** to listen to the Jimmer thou shalt not be forced to do any other task but imagine the Jimmer Jimmering." *in the Marriott Center, preferably the student section. **refers to clapping in the rhythm of clap clap clapclapclap ***the Mountain tv net work, also known as the Devil.

    I hope we have all learned something here....
