Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Rebuttal

As a young child of maybe 8 or 9 years old...or 12...or 15, I remember watching a special movie with my Dad. He would see that the movie was playing and he would let us stay up and watch it no matter how long it went. I am sure that my mother was against it as she had a very strict bedtime routine for us, but somehow my father won out in the battle to let us experience some of Dad's "big boy" culture.

The movie: The Sting.

I loved it. I still love it. And it is something that I share with my father despite its semi-appropriate message (you know...gambling...cheating...scamming, etc.).

So I share Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with my kids? So what? So Buddy was scared out of his wits? He sucked it up and made it through. He's fine. As for Pie...she loved it. I went with the Last Crusade 'cause it's funny and there is no human sacrifice and faces don't melt off. Bud got a little creeped out when the guy ages into dust, but Indy didn't die so he was fine when all was said and done.

As for sleeping that night...they both slept like little angels. Thank you very much.

The End.

Good Dad.


  1. Cool Dad: First of all, please excuse me while I take a moment to wipe away my tears. It's a touching story, really. Little Cool Dad cuddled up next to Daddy, enjoying The Sting.
    But, Pah-Lease! While I will not argue the importance of bonding over a great show, nor will I argue that The Last Crusade is not all that a great movie should be, what I will argue is that back in the day we all know that a movie on TV was a "once a year viewing opportunity", sorry my friend, but such is not the case these days. So kudos for efforts of bonding with the kiddies, but really, your timing was WAY off. I'm guessing that shot in the keester really did cloud your judgment because, THAT, is a Friday night activity if I have ever heard one.
    I would like to thank you for giving Hot Mom such great material and your rebuttal has been equally entertaining. So, thanks my hot climate friends. :o)

  2. me thinkest thou protestest too much.
